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Time to become a global star: K-pop dance one-day class

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  • Location

    Gangnam / Jamsil

  • Schedule

    Weekdays 10:00~22:00 / Closed on weekends

  • Duration


  • Language

    English, 日本語, korean


53.93 USD
Product can be purchased after moving to the partner company's page
Learn K-pop dance from an active choreographer and film yourself in a video.

- You can take classes straight from an instructor who is an active choreographer for a K-POP star.
- You can learn trendy K-pop dances.
- You can capture your dance in photographs and videos.
- You can get a certificate of completion for the experience class.

Recommended for people like this! - Those who like and are interested in K-pop
- Those who like dancing and want to learn dancing from an expert
- Those who want to relieve stress and become energized through dance, a healthy hobby
- Those who want to make pleasant memories through a special experience

Point 1
– You can learn K-pop dance from an active choreographer.
*Duration and schedule
05 mins: Orientation
15 mins: Warm-up
60 mins: Learning dance movements
10 mins: Break
20 mins: Recording
10 mins: Taking photos and saying goodbye



You can learn the popular K-pop dance.


Point 2
– With a warm-up, you can activate your stiff body and learn the basic dance movements.



Stretch from head to toe so that you don’t get hurt.



Point 3
– You can learn dance movements and master K-pop dance.



At first, you learn the dance step by step to the slow version of music.



When you get used to dancing, you dance from start to finish to the original song.



Point 4
– You can record yourself dancing K-pop in a video.



You can leave a video of yourself dancing.



Point 5
You will be given a certificate indicating that you have completed the K-pop dancing lesson.



Get a K-pop dance certificate and show it off on SNS.


지도 건너뛰기
South Korea, Seoul, Gangnam-gu, 언주로 530


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Product can be purchased after moving to the partner company's page

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