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OMOT tea ceremony infused with Korean culture

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  • Location

    Konkuk University / Seongsu

  • Schedule

    Mon~Fri 12:00~20:30 / Weekends 12:00~21:30 (Closed on Tuesdays) ※ Reservation is required.

  • Duration

    1H 10M

  • Language


30.82 USD
Product can be purchased after moving to the partner company's page
Experience a traditional Korean tea course centered on storytelling with a Korean culture theme.

- You can gain knowledge of Korea in an extraordinary way.
- You can try Korean tea and experience its allure.
- You can learn about the advantages of traditional Korean teas.
- The experience venue is close to Seoul Forest Cafe Street, so you can enjoy various sights as well.

Recommended for people like this!
- Those who are interested in Korean traditions
- Those who want to try a wide range of traditional Korean teas
- Those who want to enjoy tea in a novel way
- Those who want to make memories with couples, friends, family, and acquaintances

Point 1
– You can taste traditional Korean tea following a storytelling-based course.
*Duration and schedule
15 mins: Substitute tea and tea food
15 mins: Leaf tea and tea food
20 mins: Flower tea and tea food
10 mins: Blended tea
10 mins: Dessert



You can enjoy tea while listening to the host’s story.



Point 2
– You can use and experience the crafts of Korean artists in person.



Use a variety of cups with the artist’s personality, such as ceramic cups and glass cups.



Point 3
– You can participate in the experience program in a small, private setting.



Take your time to feel the aroma and taste of tea.



The composition of the tea changes depending on the season, so you can meet a new Korea every time.



Point 4
– You can also taste various types of Korean tea cookies served with traditional tea.



Taste a variety of desserts from chocolate to rice cakes.


지도 건너뛰기
basement 1, 12 Seoulsup 2-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea


페이스북 공유 트위터 공유 웨이보 공유 이메일 공유
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Product can be purchased after moving to the partner company's page

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